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Center for Microscopy and Image Analysis



Our fees comply with the requirements of the SNF1 and other funding organizations and are audited on a regular basis. They are calculated according to the rules of the UZH (technology platforms; finances, third-party funding management) as well as the SNF. The fees are based on the direct costs (project related as defined by the SNF) associated with a resource and part of other direct costs (maintenance) are included. These fees are therefore partially chargeable (only the direct costs) to the SNF, but fully chargeable to most other funding organisations. 

The fees and limits are adjusted every year according to the development of the direct costs. If you wish detailed information regarding the costs or the calculation of costs, please contact Urs Ziegler.


Caps (CHF/yr) on use are in place for some instrument groups.

Excluded from caps is the part of the fees that is charged for consumables and maintenance. Upon request, we will gladly inform you about the proportion of consumables and maintenance for each instrument. We can also make predictions about how high the costs per year for the usage of systems can be. Please contact Urs Ziegler.

Fees for CLEARING: clarity sample processing and imaging

Step Passive Clearing Active Clearing (X-Clarity)
Hydrogel preparation  Fr.     50.001  Fr.     50.001
Lipid removal  Fr.     85.001  Fr.     165.00
Mounting  Fr.     75.00  Fr.   75.00
Imaging  Fr.   195.00  Fr.   195.00
(for one sample)
 Fr.   405.00  Fr.   485.00

1for UZH and USZ: Amount will be charged only once if five samples can be processed in parallel.

Fees above are valid only for academic organisations.

Commercial fees are provided upon request.

Fees for sample processing and imaging by the staff of ZMB

The Center for Microscopy will charge labour used for all preparative steps and imaging as well as the needed consumables.
In general, we will define the optimal workflow in a meeting and compile a specific offer for you based on the required steps and consumables.
Get in contact with us directly (Txema Mateos or Andres Kaech) if you are a registered user. Otherwise, please register and we will get in contact with you to arrange a meeting.

From the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF):

Das neue Beitragsreglement des SNF vom 27. Februar 2015 erlaubt die Anrechnung von „direkten Kosten für die mit der Durchführung des Forschungsvorhabens zusammenhängende Benutzung der Infrastrukturen“ (BR Art. 28) in SNF Beiträgen.

Im Ausführungsreglement ist dazu in den Artikeln 2.12 (Sachkosten: Rechenzeit und Daten) sowie 2.15 (Direkte Kosten für die Benutzung von Infrastrukturen) zusätzlich definiert, dass „Kostenanteile welche zu den allgemeinen Kosten für Wartung und Pflege von Infrastrukturen gehören“ nicht anrechenbar sind.
