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The FEI Tecnai G2 Spirit is a 120 kV transmission electron microscope equipped with two digital CCD cameras for image acquisition and diffraction analysis, scanning transmission electron microsopy option with corresponding detector, as well as Oxford EDX system for elemental analysis.
University Zurich, Irchel Campus, Room Y42-H-95.
Follow this link to apply for an introduction to the microscope.
LaB6 electron source.
Acceleration voltage: 40 to 120 kV (aligned for 120 kV).
Side mounted digital camera Gatan Orius 1000 (4k x 2.6k pixels). 14 bit. Pixel size 9 µm. Frame rate up to 14 fps at binning 4. Exposure time between 1 ms and 1000 s.
Bottom mounted digital camera FEI Eagle (4k x 4k pixels).
High angle annular dark field detector (HAADF) for scanning transmission electron microscopy
Oxford X-Max EDX detector.
Goniometer: 4-axis, fully motorized stage.
Gatan cryo-holder for cryo electron microscopy.
Specific EDX holder with Be tip.
FEI control software.
Gatan Digital micrograph for image acquisition.
Oxford Inca for EDX operation and control.
FEI Xplore 3D – Batch Tomography and Dual Axis Tomography package
Responsible Persons
If you have questions about the device please contact the responsible person.
Make sure to acknowledge the Center for Microscopy in your publication to support us.
How to acknowledge contributions of the Center for Microscopy