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Center for Microscopy and Image Analysis

Deep Tissue Imaging of Clarified Specimens

For high resolution tile imaging of large samples the following microscopy systems are available:

mesoSPIM V6 "Revolver"

CLSM - Leica SP8 upright

Multiphoton - Leica TCS SP8 Upright MP

The advantages of mesoSPIM system:

  • suitable for whole-mount cm-size samples, such as mouse brains
  • fast imaging, e.g. from 0.5 to 3 hrs per mouse brain, depending on magnification
  • compatibility with multiple clearing techniques and refractive indices, from water (n1.33) to BABB (n1.56)

The advantages of Leica SP8 systems:

  • fully automated stage
  • upright systems allow imaging without using a coverslip
  • multiphoton system is equipped with high-performance objectives (including 2 dedicated high-NA, long working distance multiphoton objectives)